by Daniel Neiditch | Apr 15, 2021 | Blog
CEOs are good at talking to people. The truth is, they need to be — communication comes part and parcel with being an effective corporate leader. For all that popular culture tends to depict corporate bosses as unreasonable tyrants, likeability and connectivity...
by Daniel Neiditch | Mar 12, 2021 | Blog
We are living through a pivot-point in the United States’ real estate history. The remote work revolution, which began as a temporary solution to the global pandemic and has since become a new way of professional life, has redefined how people approach their work and...
by Daniel Neiditch | Feb 12, 2021 | Blog
Every corporate leader stands to hone their interpersonal skills and become a better person by lending a simple hand to those in need. Consider America’s corporate titans as examples. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates created a foundation with his wife, Melinda, to...
by Daniel Neiditch | Jan 15, 2021 | Blog
Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic swept over America and compelled workers to flee their offices for the isolated security of their own homes, commercial real estate leaders have found themselves struggling to answer a single question: How do we make employees feel...
by Daniel Neiditch | Aug 27, 2020 | Blog
This article was originally published on Forbes Since the onset of the global pandemic, it feels as though the lion’s share of our time, energies and interests have been focused on fighting Covid-19. No industries are exempt from its reach; from tech to finance to...